Ubuntu vagrant box
Ubuntu vagrant box

ubuntu vagrant box

Use this to view the entire workspace structure and file contents to better follow along. I’ve created a Github repository to host the files used in this tutorial. You should also have Vagrant installed as well, to test the images you create. You will need to install the latest versions of VirtualBox and Packer to follow along. This tutorial will guide you through creating Ubuntu 18.04 Vagrant boxes. Images can be created for a variety of platforms, such as AWS AMIs, VMware, VirtualBox, and Vagrant. Unless Vagrant.Packer is a great tool that is used to create server images. # Fail if the vagrant-disksize plugin is not installed For example, use resize2fs -p -F DEVICE for ext'`Įcho "The root file system (/) has a size of $ROOT_FS_SIZE" However this only changes the drive capacity, you will have to expand the file system for the guest afterwards. Resize it using VBoxManage modifyhd box.vdi -resize 15360 which increases the capacity to 15GB. VBoxManage clonehd in.vmdk out.vdi -format VDI and then re-attached it (using the GUI is easier). To be able to resize the HDD, you'll have to convert it to VDI first, e.g. To increase the capacity of disk for Vagrant Base Box This currently works only for VDI and VHD formats, and only for the dynamically allocated variants, and can only be used to expand (not shrink) the capacity.

ubuntu vagrant box

The -resize x option (where x is the desired new total space in megabytes) allows you to change the capacity of an existing image this adjusts the logical size of a virtual disk without affecting the physical size much. However, vagrant base boxes are basically exported OVF/OVA using VMDK format.

ubuntu vagrant box

Reason why: VBoxManage modifyhd only works with native VDI image. Personally I think it'll be easier to attach an extra virtual HDD and mount it to a proper mount point, for example /opt and move your stuff over using rsync to work around this issue, after all, puppet vagrant boxes are for testing purposes.

Ubuntu vagrant box